PPC management company in Ahmedabad

Rise to new heights of success

Rise to new heights of success.

Ahmedabad, a city of budding entrepreneurs, innovators, and game changers, is not left behind in this era of digitization.

Taking its ventures to greater heights, Ahmedabad now reaches a wider market, audience, and much more because of its digital wings.

One such wing helping Ahemdabad to take higher flights is PPC services, an acronym for Pay Per Click. It enables you to reach your audience effectively and efficiently.

To accomplish this, data, intelligence, imagination, and expertise must be combined to work together. A paid marketing campaign without this amalgam can burn a hole in your pocket.

As a comprehensive

PPC (adwords) management company in Ahmedabad

, AONE brings you the complete package with brilliant writers, data scientists, marketing strategists, and designers who brainstorm together to achieve the best results.

As the most sought-after

adwords management company in ahmedabad

, we ensure you get the maximum ROI on your ad spending.

PPC ADVERTISING : Why choose it?

PPC, or pay-per-click advertising / Google ads, is a digital strategy that involves placing ads on search engines, and their network sites and paying each time a user clicks on the ad.

It can help you connect with your audience faster than the organic approach.

As an experienced PPC service provider company, we develop a sequential approach to PPC optimization. PPC (Pay-Per-Click) services can be a great way to promote your business online and reach your audience quickly. Here are some reasons to consider choosing PPC services in Ahmedabad:

There are several digital marketing agencies that provide PPC management services in Ahmedabad, but it's important to choose one like AONE - best ppc company that has experience in creating effective PPC campaigns.

PPC Why Choose it

What makes PPC Different?

Reasons to consider choosing

PPC services in Ahmedabad



Targeted Advertising

PPC allows you to tailor your adverts to particular audiences based on demographics, interests, and location, making sure that they are seen by the people who are most likely to be interested in your goods or services.


Immediate Results

Unlike organic search engine optimization (SEO), which can take time to see results, PPC campaigns can start generating traffic and leads immediately after they are launched.


Cost Control

With PPC, you only pay for clicks on your ads, which means you can control your advertising costs and ensure that your budget is used effectively.



PPC campaigns can be easily modified and adjusted to meet your changing business needs, allowing you to stay ahead of the competition and adapt to new market trends.


Measurable Results

PPC provides detailed analytics and metrics that allow you to track the performance of your ads, measure your return on investment (ROI), and make data-driven decisions about future advertising strategies.

How do we do it?

Let's Discuss your Project

Keywords Research and Keyword Selection

Keywords Research and Keyword Selection

Being masters at search engine marketing, our paid media experts will conduct thorough keyword research and come up with a set of keywords that aligns best with your business as well as would bring you bounteous conversions.

Copywriting for Ads

Copywriting for Ads

We would power up your PPC campaign with fresh creative and compelling content. While data helps find the target audience, a great design and message would let you hit the bull’s eye.

Suggestions for optimizing the landing pages

Suggestions for optimizing the landing pages

In the words of Brian Halligan, “You can increase conversion rate and ROI by several times by making PPC landing pages extremely relevant”. That is exactly what we do!

Bid Management

Bid Management

Our PPC managers strategically plan the bids. We would bid on the keywords that are likely to give you great ROI for every penny you have invested.

Conversions and Sales Tracking

Conversions and Sales Tracking

PPC facilitates conversions and sales tracking with codes and other tools. They act as a compass heading us in the right direction.

PPC Monitoring & Reporting

PPC Monitoring & Reporting

We adopt an iterative, sprint-based approach and take the performance data and audience insights into consideration and optimize the campaign strategically based on data. Lastly, a comprehensive and transparent report is sent to clients to review their ad spends.

A click of the mouse
is all it takes to reach
your business goals.

Inquire Now


Our Achievements

We are Google AdWords Partners. Trusting us to steer your PPC campaigns would allow leveraging our premiere memberships with these giants.

Whether you are new to PPC advertising or it is the hundredth campaign, we know fluently how to drive results owing to our experience, expertise, and excellence.

  • Google AdWords Partner Google AdWords Partner
  • campaign management More than 8 years of successful campaign management
Leverage our Strong Partnerships

Our PPC Management Services

Text ads or search ads are the most popular and common type of paid advertising format that appears above the organic search result on the top of Google SERPs. When someone fires a query related to your business domain, these ads appear within the search results on the top of that page. They are basically small informative snippet that contains a link to your website.

  • Ads with a snippet of info about your business
  • Appear above organic search results, on the top section of the page
  • Contains link to your business website

As the name suggests, display ads can be in the form of visual, text, or video. They are featured across the Google’s Display Network which contains more than 2 million apps, websites, and videos.

  • Effective way to create brand awareness
  • Visuals or videos is more likely to attract the audience
  • Can appear anywhere across the Google’s Display Network

You might have noticed that after you have visited certain website, there might be ads following you across the internet as you surf further. These are called remarketing ads that appear in front of you once you have shown interest in their product/service.

  • Follows the prospect across the internet after he/she shows interest in your product/service

Shopping Ads appear above the Google search results on the top of the search engine result page. These ads lets you display the product with its image, price, and information of the seller’s site. This ad type is mostly used by e-Commerce to promote their products.

  • Informative ads with product image, seller details, and price.
  • Appear on the top of SERP
  • Can be boosted through click-through rate.

Our PPC Management Work


Objective: For a tile lots provider, the purpose of digital marketing was to promote their business digitally, increase website traffic and generate leads.

Services Undertaken: PPC & SEO

Result: As a result of our strategic campaign setup and month-on-month SEO practices we successfully secured good ranking while achieving outstanding results in our PPC campaigns.

  • Achieved outrageous impressions, clicks and a CTR of 11.73% on search ads
  • 100% monthly organic traffic gained
  • Social media presence developed most creatively

Griden Power

Objective: For an EV charging infrastructure company, the key to generating demand was awareness for their brand. Although, EV industry is still gaining momentum, the competition is fierce already. Hence, with complete digital marketing their goal was to create a strong digital presence.

Services Undertaken: SEO, PPC, Social Media

Result: AONE delivered extensive digital marketing services to Griden with our best practices laid forth. Not only did we leverage SEO but PPC to give the brand the boost required. Consequently, Griden achieved top ranking in Google, both organically and in PPC campaigns.

  • Increased visitors footfall to the website
  • Promoted business over the Internet
  • Campaigns generated leads and powered the website with relevant searchers
Griden Power
our Clientele
PPC Management FAQs

PPC stands for pay-per-click, a digital advertising model where advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked. It's a way of buying visits to a website rather than trying to earn those visits organically.

SEM (Search Engine Marketing) involves paid advertising on search engines, while SEO (Search Engine Optimization) focuses on optimizing website content to improve organic search rankings.

PPPC (Pay-per-click) advertising can bring several benefits to your business, such as generating more website traffic, increasing brand awareness, targeting specific audiences, and providing measurable results. It can also help you achieve faster results than organic search marketing and reach potential customers actively searching for your products or services.

Our commitment is to deliver on what we promise. At AONE, we take holistic responsibility for your PPC campaigns and dedicate all available resources to achieving the desired result. This sincerity has entitled us to be a result-oriented Google Adwords company in Ahmedabad.

Our experienced and passionate client service managers will answer your questions regarding any of the services you use.

Our Client’s Verdict